Founder / Chirman of Board Word

Dear Investors,
Al Salam Ulikom,

The Majid Hisham Matook Hasanain Management Consulting L.L.C. faced several challenges from the  concept to the level of  reality stages including start-up, pre-operation stages and its projects & programs during the years 2020-2022, however, the company plan to achive good results with the help of God and then the efforts of its human resources - 1st founder - in the company's various functions.
On the start-up level, the building blocks model in Jeddah to achieve unprecedented financial numbers after overcoming several management consulting projects, start-up projects and pre-operation projects including funding difficulties, which would give them the opportunity to achieve record numbers in 2029, Allah willing. On the marketing level, the company shall be able to market more than one hundred advisory and consulting projects, despite the continuing imbalance between supply and demand for management consulting projects due to the Kingdom Vision 2030 and Pandamic COVID-19 Corona Viruse, as the demand shall exceeded million management consulting projects in the Kingdom 2024 – 2029.
In the early stage of building blocks projects, the company has completed the main start-up works of the company in Head Office in Jeddah, and its plans to deliver  hundrhund (100) management consulting  projects as the first step in the trial operation, despite the delay that occurred on the project schedule as a result of finding the 2nd founder  difficulties. The company plans to acquire an appropriate share of the Saudi market, which suffers Also from decrease in the demand by developing marketing plans to ensure the sale of the planned quantity for the year 2024 - 2028, and creating a competitive ability by reducing the cost of management consulting projects for organizations including enterprises. It is worth mentioning that the economic and social situation in kingdom poses a challenge to the company’s projects delivery and marketing the client's projects.
In terms of providing a better product and service to our customers and claiming  leadership in the field of quality, the company shall start to dekiver the highest quality projects' delivery to our potential clients according to the highest European specifications, which enhances the company's competitive ability and reduces the cost of clients' projects for the company's clients.The company is also constantly studying ways to enhance its leadership and improve its performance in all aspects of its business.
Founder / Chirman of Board

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